This week in our office, the spotlighted condition on our discussion board is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS. Twelve years ago, a lecturer said that the personal computer would revolutionize the Chiropractic office. After 10 years in practice, I've noticed that the computer not only makes the office work easier but it's also brought in an evergrowing number of people with hand and wrist problems. As we've become more connected to our computers, the hands shortcomings become apparent. The median nerve, which innervates the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, must pass through the carpal tunnel. The tunnel is made up of the carpal bones and the tendons holding the wrist together. The position of typing causes the tunnel to collapse onto the nerve causing pain and numbness in the 1st 3 digits and part of the palm.
As a Chiropractic Doctor, I've gotten post graduate training in extremity adjusting. Using specific manual adjustments to the carpal bones and the forearm bones (radius and ulna,) I'm able to relieve pressure on the median nerve. The treatments are quick, effective, and extremely affordable when compared to carpal tunnel surgery. The treatments are often covered by insurance. Better yet, there are no side effects. Most patients notice improvement in their condition with a few treatments. In our clinic, we also utilize the Vectra Laser Therapy. This laser therapy is applied to the site and is very effective in decreasing pain and promoting soft tissue healing. What is frustrating is that I have patients who've seen their MD and are given a nerve conduction velocity test. When the NCV test is negative, they often say wait until it gets worse and then I'll send you to a surgeon. When treated early and non surgically, it is much easier to get relief. Plus, as I always tell my patients, if this doesn't work, there is always the surgical alternative. But, once the surgery is done, there's rarely anything more that can be done.